Online Delivery Via Zoom
Friday 7:00pm - 8:00pm (10 weeks, starting 2/5)
Entry Deadline TBC 2025
Exam TBC 2025
Train for the AIO competition with this course.
Australian Informatics Olympiad is held on Thursday August 24th 2023. Time and location for the exam TBC.
Learn more about AIO here:
AIO is a competition ideal for advanced students up to year 10 (Intermediate) or year 12 (Senior).
From the AIO website:
"Every participant will receive a certificate, and the top 25 students may be invited to a 10-day intensive training school in December where they will learn higher-level algorithms and data structures. Some students will be asked to participate in invitation-only events from which the top four will be selected to represent Australia in the International Olympiad in Informatics."
Python is a high-level programming language perfect for beginners and experienced students alike:
- Build essential computer literacy skills
- Discover the principles of programming.
- Create tools, functions and programs.
- Share ideas in a supportive environment.
- Improve technical vocabulary and use scientific terms.
Often, programmers fall in love with Python because of the increased productivity it provides. Since there is no compilation step, the edit-test-debug cycle is incredibly fast. Book your classes with us to learn one of the most exciting new coding technologies around!